
Loddon Nursery School

Loddon Nursery School is a private, long established Nursery owned and managed by Director Jayne White since 1993. Our team of highly qualified, dedicated and passionate staff offer outstanding care and education for children from birth to five years. We are open 50 weeks of the year from 8am – 6pm.

We follow ‘The Curiosity Approach’ ethos, offering an environment which creates a culture of curiosity, awe and wonder that ignites and inspires children’s enthusiasm to play and learn.

Our approach is to provide a calm, natural environment rich in loose parts, open ended and authentic resources. This creates thoughtful invitations to learning which capture and inspires children’s imaginations.

Special Educational Need (SEND)

For all our families, we strive to provide an environment where they feel valued and fully supported. We are a fully inclusive nursery and actively engage with all agencies and professional already connected with a child to make sure all their needs are met, thus securing consistent learning.

Our aim is to fully support each child’s educational, physical and care needs i.e. speech, sight, communication, movement etc. We do this through regular discussions with parents and all professionals involved, together with observation and careful planning to ensure a consistent approach to learning and independence is achieved and each child reaches their full potential.

We are a fully inclusive setting with disabled access and sensory equipment. We are open to all families with no need for a referral. All our staff are qualified nursery practitioners with a deep understanding of child development. Many have accessed additional training to help children with a SEND including specialist speech and language training, every child a talker, step on behaviour, moving and handling, British Sign Language and sensory equipment. We are happy to undertake any specific training to meet a child’s needs. 



We take our role in safeguarding and child protection very seriously, it is of utmost importance to us that all children get the opportunity to grow, develop and have fun whilst feeling safe and protected.

We have designated Safeguarding Lead Practitioners and are always happy to discuss any concerns you have. All our staff have attended current up to date training in Safeguarding procedures.

All staff working with children have an enhanced DBS check. No one is given unsupervised access to any of our children until the correct checks have been done.
Loddon Nursery School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and parents to share this commitment. If you are concerned about a child or adult, please either speak to us or telephone the referral number 0344 800 8020


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) sets out the learning and development stages for children as they grow from birth to five years. It is for professionals working in the Early Years whether in a nursery, pre-school, a childminder or in a reception class in school.

There are four themes in the EYFS.

Unique Child:  
Every child is unique, constantly learning and is resilient, confident, capable and self-assured. Each child is different, their learning needs and styles are unique to each individual.

Positive relationships and good communication are vital so that we can plan for individual learning needs. Children thrive when all their physical and emotional needs are met and this is what we aim to do at nursery. Staff, understand and observe each child’s development and learning, assess their progress and plan for their next steps around their interests.

The unique child relates to all areas of learning through the Characteristics of Effective Learning:

Playing and Exploring: Finding out and exploring, playing with what they know, being willing to “have a go”
 Active Learning: Being involved and concentrating, keep trying, enjoying achieving what they set out to do.
 Creating and Thinking Critically: Having their own ideas, making links and choosing ways to do things. 

Positive Relationships
Within this area, children are learning to manage their feelings and build relationships. We respect all families and aim to develop a positive two way relationship with parents/carers. Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. Staff, are warm, friendly and help to foster a sense of belonging. We are sensitive and responsive to children’s feelings and support their efforts and encourage independence. Children need to learn about risks and safety, how to make good choices and how to stick to boundaries.

Enabling Environments:
Looks at how we plan for and check on each child’s progress. Children learn and develop well in environments where adults provide experiences based on children’s individual interests and where they have developed strong partnership with parents/carers.

These environments value everyone’s learning and offer stimulating resources relevant to all children’s cultures and communities. We offer rich learning opportunities through play and support children to take risks and explore.

Learning and Development:
This focuses on how children develop and learn in different ways. The EYFS framework covers education and care of all children in nursery including children with additional needs. We teach children by providing challenging and inspiring opportunities across the prime and specific areas of learning and development. We aim to foster the Characteristics of Effective Learning: playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically.

Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development. Children should mostly develop the 3 Prime Areas first. These are:

✪ Personal, Social and Emotional development: making relationships, self-confidence and self-awareness, managing feelings and behaviour
✪  Communication and Language: listening and attention, understanding and speaking.
✪ Physical Development: moving and handling, health and self-care.

These prime areas are those most essential for your child’s healthy development and future learning. As children grow, the prime areas will help children develop skills in 4 specific areas. These are:

✪ Literacy: reading and writing
✪ Mathematics: numbers, shapes, space and measure
✪ Understanding of the World: people and communities, the world and technology.
✪ Expressive arts and design: exploring, being imaginative and using media and materials.

How can I find out how my child’s development is progressing? 
While your child is with us they will be assigned a keyperson. Your child’s keyperson is responsible for your child’s care, development and learning. They will record some of the things your child has been involved in by taking photographs and observations. These will be added to your child’s on line “Tapestry” Learning Journey and their development progress recorded in their “tracking” document. You are able to see your child’s tracking document and discuss their development with their keyperson at any time. We actively encourage you to contribute towards your child’s learning journey, uploading experiences they have enjoyed with family and friends, development mile-stones and achievements at home. In addition we will regularly ask you to update us on your child’s current development by completing/adding to All About Me books and current Interest and Achievement sheets.

When your child is between 27 and 30 months: 
We will arrange a shared progress check with your Health Visitor. Your child’s keyperson will discuss how your child is progressing in the three prime areas of learning; highlighting the areas where your child is progressing well and any area they might need some extra help and support. The Health Visitor will complete a health review. You will be given a summary of your child’s development which includes how you are able to further support your child at home, by your child’s keyperson.

How can I support my child at home?

✪ Spend lots of time communicating and talking to your child
✪ Reading and sharing books together
✪ Encourage your child to take part in lots of activities: baking, digging, imaginative play, physical play, visiting interesting places together etc.
✪ Play games together: spending quality time with your child is the very best way to help them learn and develop.
✪ Let us know of your child’s achievements, if they do something new or interesting this will enable us to share this with them and build on the achievement further.

Please do not hesitate to speak to us if you have any queries or need further help.

Contact us

Loddon Nursery School Ltd, The Hollies Classroom, High Street, 
Loddon, Norwich NR14 6AH. Tel. 01508 520286