
Food & Drink

We offer your child breakfast (8.00-8.30am), lunch (12.00 – 1.00pm), tea (4.15 - 4.45pm) and a morning and afternoon snack. We have a dedicated Nursery Cook who plans a nutritional and balanced menu each week. Breakfast, lunch, tea and snacks are freshly prepared each day. Copies of our menus are emailed each week and are also displayed on the notice board. Individual dietary requirements are catered for.

We are proud to say we continually achieve the 5 stars hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency through South Norfolk District Council. 

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Holiday Club

During the school holidays (excluding Christmas when we close for 2 weeks) we offer a popular holiday club for up to 9 year olds. Children enjoy returning to spend the holidays with us after they start school, providing valuable opportunities to explore and investigate and spending time with their siblings. 

Sessions, Fees & Funding


In the Caterpillar and Butterfly Rooms we have a variety of session options to suit.

Mornings starting at 8am or 9am, finishing at 1pm, 3.30pm, 4pm, 5pm or 6pm.

Our afternoon only sessions start at 1pm and run through till 4pm, 5pm or 6pm. 

In the Ladybird Room the sessions are full days only -  8am- 6pm.


Invoices are created in advance for the academic year ahead.

Your annual fees are payable in 11 (term time contract) or 12 (full time contract) equal monthly instalments. Additional fees for extra hours and meals will be invoiced separately.

Payment Methods include;
Childcare vouchers through salary sacrifice schemes, Tax free childcare, standing order or BACS.    


We accept:
• 15 hours Universal Funding for 2 year olds who meet the criteria.
You are able to check your eligibility by visiting Norfolk County Council www.norfolk.gov.uk/fis

• 15 hour Universal for 3 and 4 year olds 

• 30 hour extended funding for 3 and 4 year olds for those who meet the criteria. 
You are able to check your eligibility at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk 

Waiting list Registration Form

• I understand that completion of a waiting list registration form does not in itself guarantee an offer of a place.

Contact us

Loddon Nursery School Ltd, The Hollies Classroom, High Street, 
Loddon, Norwich NR14 6AH. Tel. 01508 520286